Colorado Springs Radon Poisoning
Radon poisoning in Colorado Springs is a real threat to many homes. It is also the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Radon poisoning can occur where high concentrations of radon exist. Typically, areas with poor ventilation, such as basements and crawl spaces contain the highest levels of radon. Since radon originates in the soil through its decaying process, it gives off tiny, radioactive particles. These can be inhaled into the lungs. As a result, these particles can then cause damage to the lungs. Understanding the effect of Radon on the human body is why radon mitigation is so important when purchasing a new home.
Studies show that in Colorado between 1/3 and 1/2 of the homes have radon levels in excess of the EPA recommended action level of 4.0 pCi/L of radon per liter of air. If the area you live in has large deposits of uranium, you may be more likely to be exposed to high levels of radon.
Radon Testing Methods
The US Surgeon General and the EPA recommends that ALL homes be tested for radon. This can be done through 2 types of testing methods:
SHORT-TERM test – The kit stays in your home or office for 2-90 days. Since radon levels vary from day to day and season to season, you may want to follow your first short-term test with a second test.
LONG-TERM test – The kit stays in your home or office for more than 90 days. A long term test will typically provide you with more accurate results.
If your home or office tests for a level of radon about 4.0 pCi/L you will want to take steps to get it reduced. Use an EPA-qualified mitigation contractor with proper training in radon reduction to help with this work.
After radon mitigation is done, the home or office should be retested. You may need to retest more than once. It is usually safe to live in the home or work in the building while the radon is being vented, but you will want to confirm this with your local EPA office. For general information about reducing radon in your home, call the Radon Fix-It Hotline at 1-800-644.6999.