EPA – Radon mitigation information including links to the NAS radon report, the map of radon zones, radon publication, hotlines, radon-resistant new construction and more.
Radon Hotlines (Toll-Free)
1-800-SOS-RADON (767-7236) – Radon Hotline, operated by the National Safety Council in partnership with EPA.
1-800-55RADON (557-2366) – Live help with your radon questions. Operated by the National Safety Council in partnership with EPA.
1-800-644-6999 – Radon Fix-it Hotline. For help with your radon mitigation questions. Operated by the National Safety Council (NSC) in partnership with EPA.
1-800-438-4318 – The Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse is privately operated under contract to EPA. You can order copies of EPA consumer-oriented radon publications and get general information on indoor air quality and radon issues.